Michael Hawes
Michael Hawes
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photo credit - Eric Snoza - snostudios.com

“The world-class soloists include bass-baritone Michael Hawes, whose deep ringing tones set the tone for the evening in the “Opening Psalm”.

- Jon Sobel (NYC Reviewer), Nov. 2022
Benedict Sheehan, Vespers

Florence Price’s “Adoration” - originally for Solo Organ, this translation is for Brass Septet.

“Je t’aime” (from the ’90s) was sung with heartbreaking beauty by Michael Hawes.. [who later] showed up playing a mean flugelhorn in the profoundly sad “Comme d’habitude,”

- Susan Miron (Arts Fuse), Feb. 2023
Skylark, La Vie En Rose


“Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!”

- Albus Dumbledore

Welcome friends.

I am grateful to have music in my life. Grammy® nominated, I enjoy a multi-faceted career as a Bass-Baritone singer, Trumpeter, Pianist and Educator. Based in Austin, TX, I am the Director of Music at St. Thomas More Parish, and am pursuing my Doctorate in Musical Arts from the University of Texas, Austin. Music has a way to bring folks together and feel things that truly are beyond explanation. I am incredibly grateful for all of my beautiful friends, colleagues and listeners out there, I’m the luckiest guy in the world making music with and for you.

Much love,



Connect with me at: michaelhawes91@gmail.com